Friday, February 6, 2009

Find Your Followers on Twitter Using Google Earth

Find Your Followers on Twitter Using Google Earth

  • or Do you have a brick and mortar business? Connect with your local clientele by using or These sites will show you all the Twitter updates happening in any given geographic area. Sign into your Twitter account and enter "L: city, state" and then visit TwitterMap or TwitterLocal to find "Twits" near you.
  • Looking to hire employees? Send out a Tweet with what you're looking for. Followers who aren't necessarily in your geographic location might still know someone who is, and they'll re-Tweet the message for you.
  • Build buzz for a future event. Having a blowout sale in two weeks? Let everyone know on Twitter. One person in your area with lots of followers has the potential to reach thousands of people, tens of thousands even.
  • Looking for new ideas? Reach a broad range of like-minded businesses and use Twitter as a brainstorming platform.
  • Building links to a small business Web site? Follow people who can help you out, engage in the community and when they call for help/suggestions, offer yours.
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