Friday, February 27, 2009

Google Maps Adds User Photos To Street View

Google has added Panoramio photos to StreetView images.

Google’s image-matching algorithms will analyze them at some point to see if they are also a good match for a Street View location.

Google has offered images on Maps for some time, but not directly integrated into StreetView like this.

A thumbnail appears in the upper right of the StreetView image (see below). Clicking it opens a new view of the location with a horizontal scrolling bar of images. Users can click any of the images to enlarge. Google is implying it will only use a limited number of high-quality images for any location.

Here’s an example where the new user images do exist, for the Paris monument Arc de Triomphe:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amazing mashup software of Craigslist and Googlemaps. AMAZING

Amazing mashup software of Craigslist and Googlemaps. AMAZING
Trace what happen on craigslist Using Google Maps

The Ultimate Guide To Buying & Selling On Craigslist. Dont Let Anyone Tell You There Is No Secret To Buying And Selling On Craigs List...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Find Your Followers on Twitter Using Google Earth

Find Your Followers on Twitter Using Google Earth

  • or Do you have a brick and mortar business? Connect with your local clientele by using or These sites will show you all the Twitter updates happening in any given geographic area. Sign into your Twitter account and enter "L: city, state" and then visit TwitterMap or TwitterLocal to find "Twits" near you.
  • Looking to hire employees? Send out a Tweet with what you're looking for. Followers who aren't necessarily in your geographic location might still know someone who is, and they'll re-Tweet the message for you.
  • Build buzz for a future event. Having a blowout sale in two weeks? Let everyone know on Twitter. One person in your area with lots of followers has the potential to reach thousands of people, tens of thousands even.
  • Looking for new ideas? Reach a broad range of like-minded businesses and use Twitter as a brainstorming platform.
  • Building links to a small business Web site? Follow people who can help you out, engage in the community and when they call for help/suggestions, offer yours.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Google Street View Driver Hits Deer

Google has a lot of ground to cover when it comes to collecting imagery for Google Maps Street View. It is not surprising that some hiccups would occur along the way. If you don't know, Google has drivers with cameras on top of their vehicles going around to capture the images it uses to compile the Street View feature some people find exceptionally cool, while others find it invasive and creepy.

One of those hiccups occurred recently as one of the drivers collided with a deer (which apparently lived and left the scene). Pictures of this made there way to Street View (you can see them here), and Google is now reporting that they have been pulled due to user requests.

Google uses a blog post about this to share some driving tips. It is also a good reason to look at how to report an inappropriate Street View image. To do this, simply:

1. Locate the image.

2. Click Report a concern in the bottom left corner. A new window will open.

3. Complete the form, and click Submit.

Once you do this, they will review your request. This doesn't necessarily mean that they will honor that request, but if more people complain about it, I would imagine they'll be more likely to do so. I find it hard to believe that there aren't pictures of dead animals littered throughout street view, however, considering how often I see them along the roads while driving.
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